bzelay ®
Weekly Report
138 | Malicious activities mitigated |
0 | Spam comments denied |
0 | Spam form submissions denied |
51 | Malicious IP addresses detected |
9 | Lockouts occurred |
Activity details |
Probing for vulnerable code | 92 |
Logged in | 75 |
Attempt to access prohibited URL | 46 |
Login failed | 35 |
IP blocked | 9 |
Request to XML-RPC API denied | 8 |
API request authorization failed | 5 |
Form submission denied | 4 |
User registered | 3 |
Password changed | 2 |
Request to REST API denied | 1 |
User session terminated | 1 |
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Your last sign-in was 14 Mart 2022, 17:50 from (Unknown)
This message was sent by WP Cerber Security 8.9.6